How we met...

Kent and Janelle were both living in Provo, Utah.  While Janelle was in Texas for her birthday in July, 2006, her friends were out driving around. They see a nice red BMW and pull up beside it to check out the driver, sure enough, he is a hunk. So they honk, and wave and he apparently agrees and pulls over. They exchange their numbers and are on their ways. Janelle gets back into town the following week and her and all her girlfriends decide to go out to dinner at Red Robin. As they were sitting waiting for a table, they all decided this is super lame that they had no guys with them. The one friend mentions she met this new hot guy and bets he has hot friends. Suuuure, why not, we will give him a try. We call and he brings up two friends along with him. Of course one of the handsome guys to accompany him was Kent. The rest is pretty much history. Kent claims Janelle followed and hunted him. She is a woman of determination, what can she say?  We were engaged the following August and married in the Timpanogos temple September 29, 2007.

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